How We Helped An E-Commerce Store Go From 100 to 2,500 Visitors

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This online e-commerce store sells items that cost between ~$50 – ~ $300 each. Initially, the site was getting no organic traffic and was primarily relying on paid traffic.
They started SEO by buying a few ala-carte SEO services but hadn't committed until they joined our managed SEO program.
There was a lot of opportunity for growth here!

SEO Audit

The first thing we always do is perform an SEO audit. We're looking for anything that could prevent them from ranking.

The good thing is that this site didn't have anything holding them back, they just didn't have much content nor links.

Keyword Research - The "Easy Wins" Analysis

To kick off our keyword research, we always look to find keywords that they are starting to rank for, but aren't ranking at the top of the search engines quite yet.

These are good targets because we can usually boost them up to see quicker traffic wins.

We found 76 potential targets, mostly bottom of page 1 through page 3 all with CPC between .60 and $2.50.

These URLs were a mix of product pages, category pages, and blog content.

We worked with the customer to select a few high priority targets for quick boosts!

Keyword Research - Competitive Gap Analysis

The competitive gap analysis is designed to help you find keywords that your competitors are ranking for that you currently are not.

This is a crucial step as it always helps generate new keywords that you can easily target with content.

E-commerce is a bit different than other sites with the content gap analysis. When you run it, you often get a ton of product names that you may not sell.

We work closely with the client on these and pick targets together to make sure we're targeting keywords related to products that they have in their inventory.

We found some killer keywords where we could write long articles about!

The SEO Strategy & Execution

This was a pretty typical campaign where we built consistent content and links to the site.

For Months 1 – 3, we kept strategy the same:

  • 1X Medium Diversity Links: We built in-content links focused on easy wins, using diverse anchor text.
  • 4X Blog Content 1000 words: We focused on writing content targeting keywords with good volume related to the niche products

As for the results, the traffic starts improving when we started:

Now we have these awesome, long-form blog content ranking (AND they are valuable pieces of content, as opposed to just product pages), we’ll be able to do some surgical link building and get these pushed up even farther.

What’s great is that we have LOTs of content to work with now… and it’s beginning to show!

By following this strategy, we see Google starting to unlock the floodgates – This is showing the massive potential that we can target coming up:

Ecommerce needs content, and by writing long-form blog posts, you can start ranking for your valuable keywords.

These pages are easier to rank, and you can do an internal link to your product pages. After you have the content, it makes getting good links 1000X easier!

Want to get SEO results? Check out our managed SEO program here!

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Frequently asked questions

Do You Only Offer SEM?
Yes, we only offer Search Engine Marketing. This allows us to dedicate 100% of our focus to staying ahead of Google's ever-changing algorithm.
What Are "Sprints"?
A faster, easier way to deliver SEM services. Instead of long-term contracts, we work in short sprints. Each sprint has a defined goal, start, and end. Working in this manner is faster and more cost-effective.
Where Are You Located?
We're based out of Dallas, Texas, but our team is 100% remote. This allows us to find the best talent possible, regardless of location.
How Long Does It Take To Get Results?
Some of our clients see results in 30 days. Others, 90 days. It depends on your website's current standing with search engines and how much work we have to do to put your website in the algorithm's favor.

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